Monday, June 26, 2006

An Introduction & Explanation

Welcome all to the newest incarnation of my online journal started here ( a few weeks ago. I’ve decided to move the journal to this site to make it a bit more accessible to friends and family who are not registered with Deviant Art. Unfortunately, you have to be registered with DA in order to comment on any of my posts, which is a bit of a hassle if you just want to leave me a little note. This blog is open to any and all, so just hit “comment” and type away. I will still be maintaining the gallery at Deviant Art, and I’ll be sure to post updates here when I put up new work. For the sake of completeness, my first few entries here will be reposts of my Deviant Art entries. And there will be a new update sometime later today.

The title, by the way, is a bit of fun, a chapter heading from James B. Twitchell’s book, “Preposterous Violence: Fables of Aggression in Modern Culture”, which was my introduction to Fredric Wertham and the Comics Code debacle of the 1950s, and one of the my primary sources when writing my undergraduate thesis so many years ago. That title has always stuck with me, and now I think I’ve found an appropriate home for it. Hopefully Professor Twitchell won’t mind too much.


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